Next Plc

The table below illustrates Next SWOT analysis template


1.        Attractive and creative design of stores

2.       Positive image for corporate social responsibility

3.       Effective implementation of online sales channel: attractive and sophisticated website, next day delivery for online purchases

4.       Solid financial position with sales of GBP 4.1 billion and profit before tax of GBP 821 million in 2015 (Annual Report, 2016)


1.        Lack of focus on positining, i.e. in the middle between cost leadership and differentiation

2.       Overdependence on the home market with 90% of revenues generated from the UK (Annual Report, 2016)

3.       Absence of clear strategy to achieve long-term growth prospects as of January 2017

4.       Deficit of strong and effective leadership at strategic level


1.        International market expansion with the focus on emerging economies

2.       Focusing on clarification of business strategy (cost leadership or differentiation) to avoid being stuck in the middle

3.       Effective engagement in celebrity endorsement via recruitment of celebrities popular with the target customer segment

4.        Formation of strategic alliances with other businesses targeting the same customer segment


1.        Increasing competition from discount clothing brands

2.       Further deterioration of the national economy in the UK

3.       Increase in the prices of raw materials

4.       Failure to formulate and implement long-term growth strategy for the business

How to use Next SWOT Analysis template above

next swot analysisExpand each point above into one or more paragraphs with discussions and analysis. Additional points related to Next strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats not listed above can also be included if you think they are relevant points and add value to the work.

You will need to support your arguments with references from reliable sources such as annual report of the company, industry journals and magazines and government publications. Your discussions will need to include statistical data and preferably charts and graphs with references to the sources.

You can also find many examples for the application of SWOT analysis using the case studies of famous global brands here.
