Role of Social Media on Profitability of Hospitality Organisations

- Published: January 2015
- 3422 Words
- 17 Pages
Moreover, increasing levels of interactivity of social media platforms is further contributing to the level of their popularity, and nowadays social media has been effectively adopted by many businesses along a wide range of industries as a highly effective marketing and communication platform.
At the same time, the level of use of social media varies between various industries, as well as, individual organisations within a particular industry, and while some organisations are beginning to realise substantial opportunities offered by social media, others are already utilising these opportunities to a full extent.
This essay contains a critical evaluation of the role of social media on the popularity of a tourism destination. The essay starts with discussions about increasing influence of social media on consumer behaviour. This is followed by critical analyses of potential benefits of social media to hospitality organisations. Moreover, issues related to negative impacts of social media on the performance of hospitality organisations are also addressed in this essay.
Essay is concluded by providing a set of recommendations to strategic and marketing managers of hospitality organisations in terms of benefiting from opportunities offered by social media to a maximum extent.
Introduction 1
Increasing influence of social media on consumer behaviour in service sector 2
Potential benefits of social media to hospitality organisations 5
Negative impacts of social media on the performance of hospitality organisations 8
Recommendations for managers of hospitality organisations in relation to social media 10
Conclusions 14
References 16
DoubleTree Club Hotel
Hampton Hotels
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- Published: January 2015
- 3422 Words
- 17 Pages