Goal Setting as an Important Time Management Principle

By John Dudovskiy
February 17, 2013

Goal SettingGoal setting, as an effective time management principle has been mentioned by Harris (2008), Boone and Kurtz (2010), and others. The importance of time management plan has been stressed by Harris (2008). Specifically, the author states that “when the management is not capable of drawing the correct time management plan, it may result to potential work related issues” (Harris, 2008, p.12).


Pearson and Thomas (2010) consider goal setting as a compulsory condition of effective time management and praise the motivational aspects of this principle. According to Boone and Kurtz (2010) goals, aims and objective to be set by individuals has to meet the SMART principle, where the abbreviation stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.



Boone, LE & Kurtz, DL (2010) “Contemporary Business” John Wiley & Sons

Harris, J. (2008) “Time Management 100 Success Secrets: The 100 Most Asked Questions on Skills, Tips, Training, Tools and Techniques for Effective Time Management” Lulu Publications

Pearson, B. & Thomas, N. (2010) “The Shorter MBA: A Practical Approach to the Key Business Skills” Bell & Bain

Category: Management