John Lewis SWOT Analysis

By John Dudovskiy
November 25, 2012

John Lewis SWOT AnalysisSWOT analysis stands for strengths weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in relation to a business and it is an effective strategic analytical tool for company analysis. The following table illustrates John Lewis SWOT Analysis in relation to its entry into the Chinese market:


Strong brand image

Strong online presence

Effective level of employment relationships

Extensive product range


Absence of international business experience

Recent slump in profits

Lack of effective marketing strategy

Lack of competitive advantage


International market expansion

Development of new unique selling propositions

Formation of strategic partnerships in global markets

New product development


Failure in new markets due to cultural differences

Negative effects of new legislations

Cash flow problems

Emergence of new competitors with stronger competitive advantage

John Lewis SWOT analysis


Category: SWOT Analyses