Literature Review: Measures for Validity

By John Dudovskiy

literature review “A literature review introduces the problem, develops the background by providing a history of scholarly work on the subject, and ends with the purpose and the rationale for the study” (Wysocki, 2007, p.215).

According to Brown (2006) there are five criteria for the evaluation of the validity of literature review: purpose, scope, authority, audience and format. Accordingly, each of these criteria have been taken into account and appropriately addressed during the whole process of literature review.

McNabb (2008), on the other hand, formulates three fundamental purposes of literature review that are described below:

First, literature review shows the audience of the study that the author is familiar with the major contributions that have already been done to the research area by other authors. Second, literature helps to identify the key issues in the research area and obvious gaps in the current literature.

Third, the literature review assists the readers of the research in term of comprehending the principles and theories that have been used by the author in different parts of the study.



  • Brown RB, 2006, Doing Your Dissertation in Business and Management: The Reality of Research and Writing, Sage Publications
  • McNabb, DE, 2008, Research Methods in Public Administration and Non-Profit Management: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 2nd edition, ME Sharpe
  • Wysocki, DK, 2007, Readings in Social Research Methods, Cengage Learning

Category: Literature Review