Tuckman Theory for Developing Teams

By John Dudovskiy
December 17, 2012

It has to be understood that successful performance of a team can be achieved only after a specific period of time required for the group members to get to know and accustomed to each-others personalities working styles etc. Tuckman Theory for developing teams offers an effective explanation of this matter in the following manner:

Tuckman Theory for developing teams

Different stages of Tuckman Theory for developing teams

During the forming stage team members are introduced to each-other and team aims and objectives are communicated to them. This is followed by the storming stage that can be described as “the time when team members begin to realise that the task is different or more difficult than they have imagined” (Hass, 2011, p.62), and interpersonal conflicts may arise in the team, therefore this stage can be specified as the most challenging part of the team formation process.

The norming stage relates to time when formal and informal roles and responsibilities have been set and agreed within the team and the actual team performing process has commenced.

Performing stage, as the most desirable stage from management viewpoint involves team members feeling positive and excited about the teamwork. Some teams also face adjourning stage, implying the end of the teamwork.

Category: Management