Guest-Tek PESTEL Analysis

By John Dudovskiy
August 12, 2012

Guest-TekPESTEL stands for political, economical, social, technological, ecological and legal factors affecting a business and it is used for the purposes of analysing external factors affecting the business.

PESTEL analysis for Guest-Tek entry into the Russian marketplace is summarised into the following table:

Political   Level of political stability in RussiaLevel of bribery in RussiaLevel of risk of military conflicts involving Russia

Levels of corporate and consumer taxation in Russia

Consumer protection practices in Russia

Pressure groups lobbying the interests of local businesses

Economical   Level of economic growth in RussiaFluctuations in oil prices that affect Russian economyThe level of inflation rate in Russia

Special tariffs related to the broadband services

Fluctuations in exchange rate between Canadian Dollar and Russian Rouble

Minimum wage in Russia


Social   Severe demographic issues in RussiaVast cultural differences between North American and Russian consumersChanging lifestyle patterns

Consumer buying patterns in Russia

Technological   The level of broadband infrastructure in RussiaThe uses and costs of energyLife-cycle of the relevant technology

Potential for innovation in Russian marketplace

Environmental   Ecological and environmental regulationLevel of influence of various environmental groupsEnvironmental impact of Guest-Tek business activities in Russia Legal   Russian employment lawsLevel of competitive regulationBroadband industry specific rules and regulations in Russia

Category: PEST Analyses