Warner Bros. PESTEL Analysis

By John Dudovskiy
March 7, 2014

Warner Bros. PESTEL AnalysisPESTEL analysis can be explained as “a checklist to analyse the political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal aspects of the environment” (Rao et al., 2009, p.115). The framework assists with analysis of the impact of each of these individual aspects of external environment to be used in decision-making by senior management.

PESTEL analysis for Warner Bros. is illustrated on the following table:


  • Political situation in the US and foreign markets
  • Censorship on media and entertainment in emerging markets
  •  Impacts of lobbying groups  in film and entertainment industry
  • Effects of industry pressure groups

  • Impact of US foreign trade deficit issue
  • Resign costs of advertising
  • Level of US unemployment
  • Inflation rate in the US
  • Changes in the US taxation system



  • Value changes in the US and other market
  • Increasing influence of internet on social life
  • Changes in demographic challenges
  • Increasing importance of work-life balance
  • Acceptance of same-sex marriages by increasing numbers of states in the US

  • Increasing popularity of 3D technology
  • Maturation of films in DVD format
  • Emergence of innovative platforms to consume entertainment products
  •  Increasing integration of IT in various stages of film production
  • Technological breakthroughs in film production

  • Problems associated with global warming
  • Rising environmental concern of people globally
  • Increasing importance of eco-tourism and related issues
  • Increasing importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR)

  • Licensing issues with other organisations in the industry
  • Problems related to intellectual property
  • Legal barriers to enter emerging markets
  • Changes in the US rules and regulations in relation to films and entertainment industry.

Warner Bros. PESTEL Analysis


Rao, C.A., Rao, B.P. & Rao, K. (2009) “Strategic Management and Business Policy: Text and Cases” Excel Books

Category: PEST Analyses