Starbucks Critical Success Factors

By John Dudovskiy
June 4, 2013

Starbucks Critical Success Factors Critical success factors (CSF) can be explained as “an element of the organisational activity which is central to its future success” (Botten, 2009, p.20). The following table presents explanation of Starbucks Critical Success Factors in the UK market:

CSF Explanation
Quality of products Increasing level of competition in the market is fuelling the level of customer expectations regarding the quality in general, and freshness in particular
Customer services Excellent customer services are being adopted as an important source of competitive edge by increasing numbers of coffee shops
Shop design Coffee shops in the UK are being positioned as a ‘third place’, where people can spend most of their time apart from workplace and home (Dolan, 2012).Accordingly, relevant atmosphere needs to be developed with the interior, music and design.
Social responsibility The impact of corporate social responsibility on profitability has increased significantly in the past several years. Accordingly, the level of engagement in fair trade, recycling policies, carbon emission policies, and employee treatment can be specified as important success factors for branded coffee shops like Starbucks
Customer loyalty reward programs In catering industry consumer behaviour is greatly impacted by the level of attractiveness of loyalty programs that offer discounts and other advantages to loyal customers

Starbucks Corporation Report uploaded on April 2017 contains the application of the major analytical strategic frameworks in business studies such as SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, Value Chain analysis and McKinsey 7S Model on Starbucks. Moreover, the report contains analyses of Starbucks’s business strategy, leadership and organizational structure and its marketing strategy. The report also discusses the issues of corporate social responsibility.

Starbucks Corporation Report


Botten, N., 2009. Enterprise Strategy, Elsevier

Category: Marketing